
A global standard for automatic exchange of financial account information between governments was introduced, with the tax legislation on implementing the common reporting standard in Hong Kong became effective in 2016. To facilitate information exchange with other tax jurisdictions, Inland Revenue Department could obtain information of taxpayers from financial institutions. To prevent tax risks arising from the exchange of information, we assist in compliance filing, preventing and investigating your business.

How can we help?

  • Hong Kong and PRC cross-border general tax advisory
  • BVI Economic Substance advisory and filing to the BVI authority
  • Completion of CRS / FATCA Forms issued by Hong Kong financial institutions

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The British Virgin Islands (“BVI”) has long been regarded as a tax haven for intellectual property (“IP”) businesses. In particular, Hong Kong entities have commonly registered ownership of their IP businesses with a BVI entity, so that any royalty income generated from the IP would be classified as tax-free in BVI.


在歐盟的壓力之下,從2018年年底開始,許多知名的「避稅天堂」包括開曼群島(開曼)和英屬維京群島(BVI)在內的多個「不徵稅或以名能再僅以殼公司的型態運行架構,以此來提高稅務透明度及打擊逃稅。主要法例實施後不同稅區之間可交換稅務信息,所有離岸公司均無所遁形。剛出台的《經濟實質法》(Economic Substance Act)的出台,意味著國際稅收監管的進一步收緊,企業海外架構勢必定受到影響。


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